Thursday, November 25, 2010

sunroof..roof roof..rooffie

in last post.i wrote that me a fren of mine is searching a sunroof,after decade of searching we finally got it.
its been done somewhere in kepong....the sunroof is taken from a toyota, a 2 step sunroof...instead of replacing the roof itself,we only take 2" off the sunroof and place it on the original roof.

not much to be said,because its just a minor work (minor work ke woi!! tukar bumbung tuuu)
ok...for the harge plak,my fren got a good deal for this...rm1300 for the sunroof and workmanship,kire longsump terus je

dah siap nnt kete ni akan dihantar ke paint shop...untuk proses cat plak.

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