Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wheel Guide. (SPORT RIM)


black racing


 Hayashi Command

 Hayashi Street

 Potenza Rally

 Symex 01

 SSR Starshark


SSR Longchamp


complete wheel guide A-Z ade dekat

plz drrooolsss...... datsun 510 sss coupe.

lampu belakang tu yg wat aku tak tahan tuuuu.....watanabe adalah masuk dgn ape2 sje, aku rase klu kete sorong sarung watanabe pon bleh jd cunnnn....kekkekek.


fender flares rules....!!!

for those who r into japanese classis n vintage car, fender flares or wheel arches is a must if a not necessity.

or even this wouldn't look less intresting...

pic credited to owners of copyright.